SPRINGFIELD – To ensure Illinoisans experience no gap in support during the continued COVID-19 crisis, State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) is sponsoring a bill to extend a number of state pandemic relief provisions put in place by the General Assembly last May.
“With the vaccine distribution process now underway, there is a light at the end of the tunnel—but the pandemic is by no means behind us, and many Illinoisans are still struggling,” Murphy said. “This bill allows Illinoisans to continue to depend on the relief measures already in place for as long as they are needed.”
Read more: Murphy spearheads COVID-19 relief extension package
SPRINGFIELD – A safer way to turn in vote-by-mail ballots may soon be on its way to counties across the state after State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) successfully championed a measure to implement more secure drop boxes.
“We should make it simpler to vote – even in a non-COVID world,” Morrison said. “Everyone should have a safe and secure way to cast their ballot.”
House Bill 3994 would allow election authorities to establish permanent ballot drop boxes to accept vote-by-mail ballots. Election authorities would be able to receive reimbursement through the federal Help America Vote Act to pay for the boxes.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Rob Martwick (D-Chicago) passed a measure Monday that creates transparency regarding the true conditions of the Chicago firefighter pensions system and provides an accurate path for stability.
“This legislation shines a light on the true financial condition of the fund and prevents the city from intentionally kicking the can down the road and forcing bigger tax increases in the future,” Martwick said. “The only way to truly fix our finances is to first acknowledge the true depth of the problem.”
House Bill 2451 removes outdated language that understates the true value of the pension benefit paid to firefighters while allowing the city to structurally underfund its payments. Two firefighters could have started on the force the same day, but could receive different benefits based on their dates of birth.
Read more: Martwick moves for transparent firefighter pension, firefighter workers’ comp
SPRINGFIELD – During the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic last spring, the Illinois General Assembly passed a law offering additional workers’ compensation protections to first responders and essential workers. Today, State Senator Bill Cunningham led the Illinois Senate in passing a measure to extend those protections by six months.
The law allows essential workers and first responders to file for workers’ compensation benefits if they contract COVID-19 during the course of their employment – providing them with additional economic support while they recover from the illness. Employers have an opportunity to rebut workers’ claims by demonstrating they followed all applicable public health guidelines.
Read more: Cunningham passes measure extending workers’ comp protections
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