Bush passes measure to further tackle opioid crisis
SPRINGFIELD – To further reduce opioid abuse, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) passed a measure to ensure every medication prescriber, including e-prescribers, has access to the same database.
“Every prescriber should have access to the prescription database, so they can keep better track of which patients received medications and when they received them,” Bush said. “Checking when someone last received a medication will crack down on overprescribing and doctor shopping.”
The Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program collects information on controlled substance prescriptions dispensed in Illinois. The PMP website allows prescribers and dispensers to view a current or prospective patient's prescription history.
The ultimate goal of the PMP is to assist prescribers and dispensers in the effective treatment of patients seeking medical care. However, currently not every prescriber has access to the database.
Read more: Bush passes measure to further tackle opioid crisis
FRANKFORT – In order to ease the burden of getting state licenses for military members and their families, the State of Illinois is expediting the licensing review process for military members seeking to obtain professional licensure in Illinois.
State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Frankfort) voted in favor of the law, Public Act 100-286, to make this process a reality in 2019.
The expedited review process will be in place for military service members who are on active duty or whose active duty service ended within the last two years. This review process also is available to spouses.
Read more: Hastings provides an update on streamlined licensing process for military members
Illinois Senate President Don Harmon issued the following statement regarding the treacherous acts the country witnessed today in Washington, D.C.:
HIGHWOOD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) released the following statement in response to recent and current events happening in our nation’s capital:
“The reported rhetoric spewed by newly-sworn in Illinois Congresswoman Mary Miller is disgraceful and must be condemned by all people – regardless of political party, race or religion. Every person with a moral conscience should be offended by anyone quoting Adolf Hitler and should vilify these statements.
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