CHICAGO HEIGHTS – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) joined State Representative Anthony DeLuca (D-Chicago Heights) and Secretary of State Jesse White Monday morning to announce a new driver services facility at Prairie State College opening Tuesday, May 11.
“Following the damage and closure of the Chicago Heights driver services facility, Rep. DeLuca and I went straight to the secretary of state’s office and Prairie State College requesting immediate action,” Joyce said. “No one should have to take a day off work or wait hours to access these vital services. The Prairie State facility is conveniently located less than three miles from the former facility, and I’m confident it will serve the community and surrounding areas well.”
Last summer, the Chicago Heights driver services facility was damaged by a fire and since then has been closed to the public. The closing of the Chicago Heights facility forced motorists to go out of their way to other secretary of state facilities in Midlothian, Joliet, Naperville and Bradley to seek out services.
“This is an important first step toward bringing much-needed services back to the residents of Chicago Heights and surrounding communities,” DeLuca said. “The people have waited far too long and have rightfully begun to run out of patience. Thanks to the leadership at Prairie State College and our partners at the Secretary of State for helping Senator Joyce and me to bring these services back to the community where they are needed. The next step will be to get the construction completed on the permanent Chicago Heights facility on 209th Street, but until then, this temporary facility will be a huge help.”
Joyce and DeLuca heard residents’ frustrations and worked together to advocate for a temporary facility so residents could quickly access the services they need. The legislators are pleased to see the Prairie State College site open this week, and both say they are confident the facility will serve the community well until construction is finished at the permanent site.
The Prairie State College facility will be open Tuesday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Customers can obtain a REAL ID driver’s license, renew their driver’s license or ID card, purchase their license plate sticker or apply for a temporary parking placard for persons with disabilities, in addition to other services.
State Senator Patrick Joyce (far right) attends a ribbon cutting ceremony to announce the opening of the Prairie State College driver services facility in Chicago Heights on Monday, May 10, 2021. He is joined by (from left to right) Prairie State College Board of Trustees member Bishop Ronnie White, State Representative Anthony DeLuca, President of Prairie State College Tom Saben, and Secretary of State Jesse White.
KANKAKEE – State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is joining the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in hosting a household hazardous waste collection event for Kankakee County residents on Saturday, May 22 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“This event will allow area residents to dispose of their household waste safely and properly, at no cost to them,” Joyce said. “I encourage folks to participate, as this event will lead to safer homes and a cleaner environment for our community.”
Each year, the Illinois EPA coordinates with local municipalities to conduct one-day collection events providing free household hazardous waste disposal services to residents. The first of these collections began in November 1989. Since then, over 401,350 households have participated in 449 events, with more than 78,100 drums of material collected.
Residents participating in these events are encouraged to bring chemical cleaners, oil-based paints, thinners, antifreeze, motor oil, gasoline, kerosene, weed killers, insecticides and pesticides, old or outdated medication, and similar hazardous household products. Fluorescent and other high-intensity discharge lamps may also be brought to the collections. Items not accepted include latex paint, explosives, propane tanks, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, agricultural chemicals and business wastes.
To ensure safe transport of household hazardous waste, residents are asked to:
The event will be held at Herscher High School, located at 501 North Main St. in Herscher. Preregistration is not required.
Sims seeks to establish entrepreneurship assistance centers for minorities
CHICAGO – In an effort to provide instruction, training and support services to new and aspiring entrepreneurs, State Senator Elgie Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) is sponsoring House Bill 665, which would require the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to establish and support entrepreneurship assistance centers around the state.
“There are no simple rules or a checklist that can guarantee success as an entrepreneur,” Sims said. “Entrepreneurship is hard and often times presents many roadblocks in the early stages of planning. We want to make this process easier for those who have a passion to build their own brand while equipping them with the necessary skills to become successful.”
Murphy bill would give older Illinoisans more flexibility to shop for insurance policies
SPRINGFIELD – Illinoisans on Medicare would be able to switch supplemental plans without worrying about higher premiums, underwriting or pre-existing conditions under a new measure introduced by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines).
“If their supplemental plan rates go up, many older adults are denied the chance to switch to a less expensive plan because of a pre-existing condition. They’re locked into their current plan,” said Murphy. “It’s time to give older Illinoisans the freedom to seek lower costs elsewhere.”
Stadelman: Flying American-made flags is the right thing to do
SPRINGFIELD – State agencies and institutions could only purchase American and Illinois flags manufactured in the United States under a measure sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) that passed committee last week.
“This is the right thing to do. As a government, we have no business flying our state and nation’s flags if they aren’t made in America,” Stadelman said. “Supporting our local businesses and economies should always take priority.”
In case you missed it
Senators Napoleon Harris, Harvey, and Tony Munoz, Chicago: Advocates hope Illinois lawmakers pass proposals for cancer treatment, drug affordability | WEEK NBC 25
Senator Dave Koehler, Peoria: Legislation for extending downtown revitalization tax credit goes to the House | WEEK NBC 25
Senator Mike Simmons, Chicago: Illinois lawmakers want to ban hair discrimination in schools | FOX 32 Chicago
Copyright 2021 - Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus - All Rights Reserved
JOLIET – Lion Electric Company, a Canadian-based electric vehicle company, will be building its first U.S. manufacturing facility in Joliet State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) announced Friday morning.
“This partnership will let Lion Electric and Will County look toward the future together,” Connor said. “By bringing hundreds of jobs to the Joliet area to manufacture zero-emission electric vehicles, we are working toward a stronger economy and a healthier environment for us all.”
Read more: Connor announces Lion Electric to bring its first U.S. manufacturing facility to Joliet
SPRINGFIELD – A measure co-sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) that would support investment in downtown Rockford passed the Illinois Senate.
“Since the River Edge Historic Tax Credit was created, the city of Rockford has experienced economic growth and significant restoration,” Stadelman said. “This extension will allow these investments to continue and further revitalize Rockford.”
Rockford has seen a significant amount of new development, largely due to the River Edge Historic Tax Credit Program, which gives a state income-tax credit to the owners of historic structures matching 25% of rehabilitation project costs.
Read more: Stadelman works to extend River Edge Historic Tax Credit for Rockford
SHOREWOOD – Legislation that would end the practice of burdening family members of deceased utility customers with early termination fees unanimously passed the Senate Commerce Committee Thursday.
State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood) is the lead sponsor of the measure.
“As most of us unfortunately know, losing a loved one is emotionally and financially taxing,” Loughran Cappel said. “People in this circumstance have suffered enough and should not be shouldered with additional costs following a loss.”
House Bill 122 would end early termination fees for utility customers who died before the end of a contract.
“This is a simple way we can continue to look out for the best interests of consumers in Illinois,” Loughran Cappel said.
This legislation will now be considered before the full Senate.
SPRINGFIELD – In 2018, Illinois prohibited the trade of ivory and rhino horn, but other animal species continue to face the threat of extinction due to demand for their parts. Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) says it’s time for Illinois to protect more species, and legislation for that purpose passed out of the Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday.
“The federal policy regarding illegal smuggling and trafficking of wildlife parts has been strengthened, and it’s time for Illinois to get on board,” Holmes said. “Species are threatened with extinction because of these practices.”
House Bill 395 would prohibit the sale of products and parts of giraffes, sharks, sea turtles, pangolins, tigers, lions, great apes and other imperiled species. Some examples:
SPRINGFIELD – To pay tribute to fallen officers and their families, Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz (D-Chicago), a former Chicago Police Officer himself, attended the Illinois State Police Officers Memorial Ceremony in Springfield Thursday.
“This ceremony commemorates those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe and protect our communities,” Munoz said. “It is a time to honor the bravery of our fallen soldiers and show the surviving families that we support and care for them.”
The monument in Springfield, located on the West Lawn of the State Capitol, bears the names of the officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities. It was first dedicated in 1990, and a ceremony is held each year to pay tribute to fallen officers and their families. The names of every officer who died while serving during the previous year are engraved in the monument leading up to the ceremony.
Read more: Munoz honors fallen officers at Police Memorial in Springfield
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